1. What is EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s business?

EpicQuest Education Group International Limited, through its subsidiary Quest Holding International LLC, facilitates study abroad and post-study services for Chinese students in the United States.

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2. Where is EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s corporate headquarters?

The Company’s headquarters are located at 1209 N. University Blvd., Middletown, OH 45042

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3. What are EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s ticker symbol, exchange and CUSIP?

The Company’s common stock is traded on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the symbol “EEIQ”. The CUSIP number is G3104J 100 for the common stock.

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4. How can I get a copy of the Company’s final prospectus?

A copy of EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s final prospectus related to its initial public offering may be obtained through the SEC website at www.sec.gov.

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5. How many of the Company’s shares are outstanding?

As of October 28, 2022, there were approximately 11.5 million shares outstanding.

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6. When is EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s fiscal year ended?

EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s fiscal year ends on September 30th.

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7. When is the Company’s next earnings release?

EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s earnings reports are scheduled to be released approximately three months following the end of six-month periods. These period-ends would be March 31 and September 30.

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8. Who do I contact about my shares of common stock?

If you hold your common stock through a brokerage service, please contact your broker directly. If you are a registered shareholder, please contact our transfer agent (information provide below).

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9. Who is EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s transfer agent?

Vstock Transfer LLC which can be reached at 212-828-8436 or by email at info@vstocktransfer.com.

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10. Who is EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm?

ZH CPA, LLC is the Company’s independent auditor.

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11. Who is EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s outside legal counsel?

ArentFox Schiff LLP is the Company’s outside legal counsel.

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12. Who is EpicQuest Education Group International Limited’s outside investor relations firm?

Precept Investor Relations LLC is our outside investor relations firm. The primary contact there is David Rudnick at 646-694-8538 / email: david.rudnick@preceptir.com.

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